Piri Reis Map
Behold, the LORD maketh the earth empty, and maketh it waste,
and turneth it upside down, and scattereth abroad the inhabitants thereof.
Isaiah 24:1 KJV
5G or is it merely the fact that Earth is losing it's Magnetic Field"
SEPTEMBER 13, 2021 AT 5:41 PM
Grand solar minimum causes a slight increase in gravitational potential from the Sun as the star and its outer atmosphere contracts slightly. This results in a slighter greater pull on the earth, this effects of this has recently been measured and corroborated by manifesting in the fastest solar years since measurements began from 2019 onwards we have been breaking records as the earth is spinning on axis slightly faster also due to centripetal force .
This causes increased frictional forces within the Earth’s mantle much the same as a spit roast slipping on the skewer.
That is the reason for the increase in earthquakes and volcanicity.
Glad I could clear something up on here…
In fact, it is only in recent times that modern man has been able to map this coastline using sub-surface surveying techniques that can penetrate the ice sheet that lies on top of it.
Ohlmeyer had no idea how a map existing in the 16th century could have got hold of such knowledge.
Why the Mayan calendar ends on the Winter Solstice of 2012.
12/21/2012 is the date when planet Earth reaches the apex of it's elliptical 26.000 year path of Precession around all
the signs of the Zodiac in our Solar system. It's a perfectly natural date at which to end and begin a cycle. The real
mystery, is how the Mayans had such advanced knowledge of astronomy.
On a more ominous note, however, this is the most distant position of planet Earth from the Sun. If all of the factors of
the Millankovitch theory were currently present, which they are not, we would be entering an ice age. Coincidentally, this
is Russia's coldest Winter since 1938.
Age of Aquarius
Of course there is still the Earth Crust Displacement Theory to have to worry about.
Charles Hapggod, in 1953, wrote a book called "Earth's shifting crust: a key to some basic problems of earth science",
where he made up a theory to explain how Antarctic had been ice-free until year 4000 BC
The theory summing up is as follows:
The reason Antarctic was ice-free, and therefore much warmer, it is to be found in the fact that, at one time, its location
wasn't the south pole. It was located approximately 2000 miles further north. Hapgood says this "would have put it
outside the Antarctic Circle in a temperate or cold temperate climate".
The reason why the continent moved down to its present location has to be found in a mechanism called "earth-crust-
displacement". This mechanism, not to be confused with the plate-tectonics or the continental drift, is one whereby the
lithosphere, the whole outer crust of the earth "may be displaced at times, moving over the soft inner body, much as the
skin of an orange, if it were loose, might shift over the inner part of the orange all in one piece". (Charles Hapgood,
"Maps of the ancient sea-kings", cited, visit the Bibliography for more info).
This theory was sent to Albert Einstein, which answered to Hapgood in very enthusiastic terms. Though geologists did
not seem to accept Hapgood's theory, Einstein seemed to be as much open as Hapgood saying:
"In a polar region there is a continual deposition of ice, which is not symmetrically distributed about the pole. The earth's
rotation acts on these asymmetrically deposited masses, and produces a centrifugal momentum that is transmitted to
the rigid crust of the earth. The constantly increasing centrifugal momentum produced in this way will, when it has
reached a certain point, produce a movement of the earth's crust over the rest of the earth's body...." (Einstein's
foreword to "Earth's shifting crust" p.1)
Again, 12/21/2012 is where the Earth rounds the bend of the apex of it's elliptical path. The significance in context of
this date to Earth Crust Displacement Theory, is that this sharp turn could be like putting English on a cue ball, thus
causing the outer layer of the planet to shift loose of the inner mass. This perhaps could even yet happen anytime
during the next few years. As the centrifugal force puts stress on the Earth's crust, the piezo effect from the friction
is what causes heating of magma, thus stimulating eruption.
Furthermore, Earth has now entered an asteroid crossing zone. This is the neighborhood of the Solar system where
Earth most often gets slammed with bolides.
The Mars Mystery: The Secret Connection Between Earth and the Red Planet
By Graham Hancock
Earth is also now as close as it gets to Orion. Maybe a window of opportunity for visitors for the hollidays.
The Message of the Sphinx: A Quest for the Hidden Legacy of Mankind
By Graham Hancock, Robert Bauval
Now that people are done worrying about this date, bear in mind that Earth Crust displacement could still occur as we
exit the apex of the elliptical path of Precession. There has recently been discovered to be several MILLION undersea
volcanoes currently erupting. Volcanic gasses have overloaded the oceans and green house gasses overflow into the
atmosphere, as the gases and lava heats up the sea water. Considering how Earth is presently at it's farthest most
distance from the Sun in the 26,000 year cycle, these green house gasses may well be insulating the planet from
resultant colder temperatures, and since most densely human populated areas lie along coast lines, the warmer ocean
temperatures create warmer weather in those micro climates. As the oceans heat up, sea water evaporates and falls as
precipitation inland. As hundred mile long ice bergs break off of Antarctica and drift past New Zealand, glaciers grow
deeper in the central part of the continent. You don't need colder temperatures to start an ice age. Increased
precipitation will eventually lower the temperature. Russia, for instance, has been experiencing successively colder and
colder Winters each year for decades now. As the undersea volcanoes heat and evaporate the oceans, sea levels are
dropping, as measured at the most stable land mass on the planet, on an island just off the coast of Tasmania. Venice
is sinking. The ocean is not rising. This reduces the weight of water from the Tectonic plates. the Jakarta 9.2 quake was
the result of mile high uplift from the reduced pressure, like a jack-in-the- box when the lid is lifted off of the spring. With
all of the melting of ice along the coast lines, and the build up of ice on inland glaciers, the ice becomes asymmetrically
deposited as in the scenario described by Albert Einstein in his response to Earth Crust Displacement Theory.
It was the near instantaneous mile high uplift of the ocean floor which caused the Indonesian tsunami. Only half the
length of the fault line rose at that time. The other half remains likely to spring up as well. Increased Earthquakes,
volcanism and el El Niños are always precursors to cyclical ice ages at each apex of the ellipse in frequencies of
13,000 years.
Earth is predicted to pass directly through the “Taurid swarm” in November 2032.
Extragalactic stars found zipping through the Milky Way
@1:40:40 - Oumuamua: Havvai'ian for, Scout on reconnaissance mission to gather data for invasion
Thought Bombs: Philosophical Sabotage?
Contactees to Amend The National Security Act of 1947
In 1996 Stan and Holly visited the restricted access FNMOC at the US Navy base in Monterey to share Stan’s method of earthquake prediction (based on sea surface temperature fluctuations – something Stan formulated from the Navy’s own data but they had not seen this use for it until he showed them.) For 10 years he made earthquake forecasts using their data with an accuracy of about 70% and a lead time of 1-7 days. Sadly, in 2006 the Naval data stream was classified; so Stan had to abandon this project. However, in 2012 he was able to develop another data source which enabled him to once again start providing daily earthquake forecasts. This time his accuracy ranges from 80% to 90%.
Earth Gains A Record Amount Of Sea Ice In 2013
Like a Thief in the Night
Ice ages looked like El Ni�o
Magnetic Reversals and Glaciation
Gakkel ridge gigantic undersea volcanic mountain chain
More Undersea Volcanoes & Ocean Warming
Testing the Waters A Report on Sea Levels
How earthquake jolted the planet
Seabed Scars Show Power Of Ocean Quake
Sumatra-Andaman Earthquake Broke Records and Rules
Water Weight
Syzygy & Perigee
Surface latent heat flux as an earthquake precursor
Berkland on Deyo
Berkland's First 'Home Run'
Stan Deyo's Sea Surface Temperature Fluctuations
Kerry Sieh predicted Tsunami & Warned Residents
Sumatra Earthquake Hyperdimensional?
Interplanetary �Day After Tomorrow?�
New Glacier Forming in the Crater of Mount St. Helens
Undersea Volcano Offers Explosive Show
Underwater volcano in Antarctic Sound
The Antarctic Ice Sheet is Growing Thicker
Milankovitch Factors - Graph of the precession of the equinox
What controls the advance and retreat of these large glaciers during the four long, cool periods?
El Ni�o is back
Britain faces big chill as ocean current slows
Tony Blair backs away from Kyoto
Kyoto goes nuclear
Putin adviser says Kyoto 'smoke screen'
Treaty will create Soviet-style 'monster' threatening freedom
'Global warming' hype reaches fever pitch
But critics doubting data compare ideology behind movement to Communism, Nazism
Kyoto: Tightening the screws
Experimental Study of the Impact Disruption of Meteoritic Samples
Anti-Astroid Weapons Test
Deep Impact
Comets Are Not Dirty Snowballs
Not in the NASA script
Deep Impact ... Desperate Delays ...?
New Theory: THIS Killed the Dinosaurs
A sudden and dramatic rise in carbon dioxide
Noxious undersea eruptions killing billions of fish
Evidence of extreme disturbance in Earth�s core � can earth explode?
Theories about ancient unknown civilizations
Earth Crust Displacement Theory
Why 536 AD was the worst year to be alive:
In 1996 Stan and Holly visited the restricted access FNMOC at the US Navy base in Monterey to share Stan’s method of earthquake prediction (based on sea surface temperature fluctuations – something Stan formulated from the Navy’s own data but they had not seen this use for it until he showed them.) For 10 years he made earthquake forecasts using their data with an accuracy of about 70% and a lead time of 1-7 days. Sadly, in 2006 the Naval data stream was classified; so Stan had to abandon this project. However, in 2012 he was able to develop another data source which enabled him to once again start providing daily earthquake forecasts. This time his accuracy ranges from 80% to 90%.
Suppose that we had calculated, on the basis of sound evidence and beyond any shadow of a doubt, that our civilization was soon to be obliterated by a titanic geological cataclysm - a 30� displacement of the earth's crust, for example, or a head-on collision with a ten-mile-wide nickel-iron asteroid travelling towards us at cosmic speed.
Was the Egyptian scribe Manetho was being less than literal when he spoke of a harsh and deadly cosmic power at work in the universe:
"Just as iron is likely to be attracted and led after the loadstone, but often turns away and is repelled in the opposite direction, so the salutary, good and rational movement of the world at one time attracts, conciliates and mollifies that harsh power; then again, when the latter has recovered itself, it overthrows the other and reduces it to helplessness ..."
In short, through metaphors and allegories, I suspect the ancients may have tried to find many ways to tell us exactly when - and why - the hammer of global destruction is going to strike again. I therefore think, after 12,500 years of the pendulum, that it would only be wise for us to devote more of the resources to studying the signs and messages that have come down to us from that dark and terrifying period of amnesia which our species calls prehistory.
When human beings from around the globe, and from many different cultures, share a powerful and overwhelming intuition that a cataclysm is approaching, we are within our rights to ignore them. And when the voices of our distant ancestors, descending to us through myths and sacred architecture, speak to us of the physical obliteration of a great civilization in remote antiquity (and tell us that our own civilization is in jeopardy), we are entitled, if we wish, to stop our ears ...
So it was, the Bible says, in the antediluvian world: 'For in those days, before the Flood, people were eating, drinking, taking wives, taking husbands, right up to the moment that Noah went into the Ark, and they suspected nothing till the flood came and swept all away.'
In the same manner it has been prophesied that the next global destruction will fall upon us suddenly 'at an hour we do not suspect, like lightning striking in the east and flashing far into the west ... The sun will be darkened, the moon will lose its brightness, the stars will fall from the sky and the powers of heaven will be shaken ... Then of two men in the fields, one is taken, one left; and of two women at the millstone grinding, one is taken, one left ...'
What has happened before can happen again. What has been done before can be done again.
And perhaps there is, indeed, nothing new under the sun ...
In the not to far off future, when the world is in total crisis, there will be a European military man, who will use the threat of force, without having to use force, in order to subdue the entire world. He will negotiate a treaty for the protection of Israel. For three and a half years there will be peace and prosperity. He may accomplish all this with a little help from his friends.
...and the first shall become last.
surfline surf-report /chambers/